Web hosting is a complete online store for your business. This is true. But there is another important fact and that is a web site is nothing but a complete store of files which are stored in number of folders. All the data and web content along with pictures and graphics is stored in files. Therefore web hosting is also a safe place to save files. This is the basic concept.
Web site is a collection of files and folders as compared to the usual filing system maintained in offices. Similarly, web site when hosted to a server, keeps a record of all the files and folders in a safe place under a specific domain name. It is very easy to upload and download files from Internet. Particularly from a web site, if you have to download a file or a video, the process is also very simple and that is performed by saving it in a directory or a folder on your desktop.
Web hosting is a useful method to store all your important files which include customer information, business information and server information and this can be accessed by you at any time. For those who have web hosting knowledge and for those without web hosting knowledge can also easily understand about saving of files as it is user-friendly and easy to learn.
It is very easy and simple to access, share and manage files and folders quickly. You can retrieve files, save files and upload files through FTP account. You can also download files from online file folder. Organizing your file folder is one of best features available with the use of Internet connection. Some of the other features are encryption and passwords protection is safe and secure which protect your files from hackers and other online threats.